DNC 2016 and the Pro-Life Issue

If you read Lois’s blog last week about the Republican National Convention, you’ll know that the GOP adopted its most pro-life platform in history. Unfortunately, not long after this pro-life victory, America watched the Democratic National Convention (DNC) adopt its most pro-abortion party platform ever. In 1996, their platform mentioned abortion one time. This year’s […]

RNC 2016 and the Pro-Life Issue

National party conventions are always good political theater. The Republican convention did not disappoint. There are still powerful players who want to see two pro-abortion parties, but for now the GOP remains pro-life. This is thanks to pro-lifers across the country who sent delegates to Cleveland with the goal of preserving and strengthening the pro-life […]

The Greatest Special Interest

We live in a time in politics when a primary punching bag for both major parties, the media and voters everywhere is special interests.  It’s a vague enough term that I think a definition is in order.  Merriam-Webster defines a Special Interest as “a group that tries to influence the people who run a government […]

Primary 2016: Four Important Pro-Lifers You Need to Know About

I want to make sure you know about four pro-life men who are running for office this primary election. Ted Cruz – U.S. President It really is difficult to overstate the importance of this election.   We have had a series of close and important Presidential elections.  It would be tempting to take a diversion here […]

How To Be An Effective Citizen Lobbyist

  Lobbyist. It’s a funny word that evokes all sorts of images in the American mind. But basically it’s just a person who tries to influence government. Every citizen has the ability to walk into the Capitol and “lobby” the Legislature and even the Executive branch. You don’t even have to have any special credentials […]

Politics Is A Game And Sometimes We Shouldn’t Be Playing It

Being one of those weird people who call themselves politicos and who like to feel some camaraderie with characters on the show The West Wing, it’s too easy for me to show up at work thinking about “the game.” Good games involve limited resources (cards, tokens, money) that players use strategically to outsmart their opponents.  […]
