starting from the


In election study after election study, door-to-door canvassing has proven to be the best way of turning out voters, particularly in close races where victory is won on the margins.

about our

Door-to-Door Program

Over the years, Oregon Right to Life has identified a need for personal voter contact. We built the team to make it happen.

Running an effective door-to-door canvassing operation is hard. There’s a reason most organizations don’t engage on this front. 

Door-to-door campaigns require a true grassroots network of dedicated workers, an excellent administrative team to coordinate volunteers, and high-level voter-ID data to ensure we are contacting the right voters.

Oregon Right to Life has all three. The pro-life movement in Oregon has been a thriving grassroots operation for 50 years; our staff regularly operates using grassroots volunteers from regions throughout the state. We’ve invested in building the strongest pro-life voter-ID data in the state. 

We are built for this moment.

in this election cycle,

our grassroots team

phone calls

get involved

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