Donate Your Political Tax Credit Today!


Vulnerable lives are in danger across the state. We advocate for them in education, society, and politics. Right now, especially in Oregon, political action is key to reinstating protective laws for those vulnerable Oregonians. Elected officials make the laws that either protect life or allow lives to be taken.

We have a real opportunity in 2024 to gain pro-life representatives in Congress who will defend and protect innocent life at the federal level.

Oregon Right to Life PAC is the only organization focused on ensuring pro-life candidates win.

That’s why taking advantage of the Political Tax Credit is so crucial – it’s our number one resource for electing pro-life candidates. If you haven’t yet claimed your Political Tax Credit for 2023, please respond right away. The deadline is December 31st.

Together, we can make progress toward the complete legal protection of innocent lives, both young and old. Thank you for standing with us.