Support Oregon Right to Life State PAC

Power Grassroots Pro-Life Advocacy

Oregon Right to Life PAC is known as a king-maker in GOP elections and one of the largest and most active conservative political action committees. 

ORTL PAC focuses on electing pro-life officials at all levels of government as well as publishing a widely used pro-life voter guide each election year.

Gifts to Oregon Right to Life PAC are eligible for the Oregon political tax credit when you file your Oregon tax return. 

The political tax credit allows a joint-filing couple to give up to $100-single filers can give up to $50-and then receive every penny back when they file their Oregon tax return for that year.*

*Individuals with federal adjusted gross incomes over $75,000 or joint filers with combined adjusted gross incomes exceeding $150,000 no longer qualify for the Political Tax Credit. However, every contribution is still extremely valuable to our mission.