Legislative Committee Hearing Spotlights Oregon’s Abortion Extremism

(Oregon Right to Life) — Oregon lawmakers conducted an informational committee meeting Tuesday on behavioral health and healthcare, bringing in the leaders of Oregon abortion facilities and Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU) professors to discuss abortion and other “reproductive healthcare” services in the state.

During the hearing, the professors and abortion executives said they’re significantly increasing their ability to perform abortions for Oregon women and women traveling from other states, expressed pride in providing abortions, decried so-called “reproductive healthcare deserts,” spoke about overcoming “fear based barriers” to abortion, and acknowledged that abortions will be performed for all patients who request them.

Alison Edelman, OHSU Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Oregon Health and Science University.

Grayson Dempsey, Director of Public Affairs for the downtown Portland abortion facility, Lilith Clinic, claimed during the hearing that abortion access is “critical.” While other states have enacted legislation setting limits on abortion, she said, Oregon stands at the “vanguard of reproductive health innovation.”

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Amy Handler, President and CEO of Planned Parenthood Southern Oregon, described Planned Parenthood as a “safety net provider.” She said there has been a significant uptick in abortions since the overturning Roe v. Wade, citing increases in abortion-seeking women traveling from out of state.

There were a total of 17,609 abortions performed in Oregon in 2022 and 2023, compared with 14,100 abortions performed in the previous two years, per Oregon Health Authority (OHA) data. 2,415 of the abortions performed in 2022 and 2023 were for women traveling from out of state, compared with 1,367 in 2020 and 2021.

Handler said that over 90% of abortions are performed in the first trimester, and that women seeking abortions “can get in whenever they need to when they’re sure about their decision.” She explained that abortions (including chemical abortion prescriptions) account for only 10-13% of the total visit volume. However, abortions make up over 95% of Planned Parenthood’s pregnancy resolution services nationwide, per the organization’s annual reports.

Alison Edelman, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at OHSU, said abortion providers have doubled their capacity to perform abortions in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Dobbs v. Jackson decision overturning Roe v. Wade.

“We are proud abortion providers and will always provide abortions,” said Sara Kennedy, CEO of Planned Parenthood Columbia Willamette. She added that her abortion providers “never turn patients away.”

RELATED: Telehealth Abortions Key Factor in Rising Post-Dobbs Abortion Numbers

When pressed by a Republican lawmaker to describe the procedure to perform late-term abortions, Dempsey and Edelman did not answer.

Rep. Dwayne Yunker (R-Grants Pass)

“Oregon has no restrictions on abortion, making abortion legal for any reason until the moment of birth,” Rep. Dwayne Yunker (R-Grants Pass) said, addressing Dempsey. “My nephew, now twenty years old, was born at 27 weeks. Your website openly advertises late-term abortion up to 26 weeks. Could you describe the abortion procedure used at that stage?”

Dempsey corrected Rep. Yunker and said abortions are actually performed at the Lilith Clinic up to 28 weeks, then punted to Edelman, who offers her abortion services to the Lilith Clinic. Edelman evaded the question, but confirmed that abortion is accessible “under the law” and broadly stated that abortions are performed for any patients who ask for them.

When Rep. Yunker attempted to ask Edelman again to provide a specific response to his question, he was blocked by Committee Chairman Rep. Nosse (D-Portland). 

“I’m sorry you don’t like the answer,” Nosse told Yunker. “That’s the answer you got,” 

The Lilith Clinic advertises abortion through 26 weeks on its website. According to Abortion Finder, OHSU performs abortions up to 34 weeks gestation. 

Abortion is legal in Oregon throughout all stages of pregnancy for any reason. 

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